Mini AIMer's Project...

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Xmas Wreath...

You will need:

  • Narrow ribbon
  • Flowers (tiny dried or artificial, or make some from tissue paper)
  • One plastic curtain ring or a piece of wire made into a ring
  • Ferns or any other greenery
  • Glitter
  • Leaves (artificial or make your own)
  • Gold thread (for hanging)
  • Tacky glue


  1. Wrap the ribbon around the ring and glue.
  2. Put glue on both sides of wreath and roll in glitter.
  3. Glue flowers, ferns and any other greenery around the ring.
  4. (Tiny real fir cones look good if you can find them!)
  5. Make a bow from ribbon and glue to the top.
  6. Glue a tiny flower to the centre of the bow.
  7. Glue gold thread to the back, or fasten it round the ring at the top so you can hang up your wreath.
  8. Enjoy yourself!

Copyright for this project belongs to Lorrie of Lorries Green World.