Cristina Diego of Minisdecris...

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Cristina Diego of Minisdecris...

I'm Cristina Diego, "Minisdecris", I live at Canary Islands and I make miniatures ten years ago. First I made my house, little things in polymer clay, some furniture...but at present I make flowers and plants, "passion" in miniature and in real life.

My flowers and plants are made with hand coloured paper ,that I cut with scissors or punches, wire, some greeneries...
For each arrangement, I observe carefully the real flower and consult my friend, who has a flowers shop, or Internet pictures I
I'm so satisfied when the people recognize each one... 

Next challenge: make arrangements in 1/24 th, and have a good acceptation at Bishop's show in Madrid

In the mean time, with the group "miniscanarias" , we prepare a new exhibition : houses, room promote this hobby.