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Xmas Stocking (medium)

Look at the picture at the bottom of the page to see what you will need:

felt, braid, stars, tiny toys for the top (optional).

You will also need tacky glue & scissors.


1.I made two different sizes. The bigger one is 4.5cm tall and 2.5cm wide across the top.  The smaller one is 3.5cm tall and 2cm wide. Choose which size you like and cut out 2 identical boot shapes in either red or green felt.

2. Put a line of glue round one shape (but not across the top) and press the other shape on top. Be careful to line it up exactly.

3. Glue braid or any trimming round the top.

4. Put tiny dots of glue (a cocktail stick is useful for this) here and there on the front of the stocking and stick on tiny stars, or anything shiny to decorate it.

5. Stuff a bit of crumpled tissue in the stocking, gently pushing it into the toe, to make it look full. Be careful not to split it!

6. Glue any tiny things in the top that Santa might bring. This is easier to do in the big stocking.

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